
 This is a first post on my blog and therefore my first real attempt on writing anything in similar form.  I've noticed recently that I have many ideas that I'd like to share in one place and try to be consistent about it. There aren't going to be just my ideas but mainly ideas of other weavers and artists from different cultures and different times.

The term attercoppe is an old English word for a spider, atter / attor means venom and coppe means head - so venomous head but cop in itself is still used to describe the rounded mass that is wound around the spindle when spinning with this very ancient method.

So here on the right You can see a massive cop consisting of some freshly spun Icelandic wool.

The spindle is a reproduction of a French spindle from the 19th century, but that's the story for another time. 

I hope You'll enjoy my ramblings, and please forgive me for being chaotic. You will quickly see that there is some sort of method in this madness.


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